Verify Bitcoin message signatures

Signature verification depends on the type of address the message was signed with

Ordinals Address P2TR

Message signing for P2TR addresses conform to the BIP-322 standard. The following options are available to verify the message signature.

ℹī¸ Note that due to the experimental nature of BIP-322 none of the above options are officially endorsed or audited. Use at your own risk.

Payment Address P2SH(P2WPKH)

Messages from the payment address are signed with an ECDSA signature, conforming to the standard described here:

You can decode the signed message and use a cryptographic library to verify the signature.

Using bitcoinjs-message can also be a convenient option if you're working within a JavaScript or Node.js environment. It abstracts away the lower-level details of ECDSA verification and the Bitcoin message signing standard, allowing you to verify signed messages with minimal code:

Step 1: Install bitcoinjs-message

First, you need to install the bitcoinjs-message library. If you're using npm, you can install it by running:

npm install bitcoinjs-message

Step 2: Verify the Message

Once installed, you can use the library to verify a message with just a few lines of code. Here's a simple example:

const bitcoinMessage = require('bitcoinjs-message');

// The message that was signed
const message = "This is a test message";

// The signature in base64 format
const signature = "H8yAIxMVQfVcY4J//yA8hI3Fy2kL...base64signature...";

// The Bitcoin address of the signer
const address = "1ExampleOnlyDoNotSendToThisAddressDoNotTryToDecodeIt";

// Verify the message
const isValid = bitcoinMessage.verify(message, address, signature);

console.log("Is the signature valid?", isValid);

ℹī¸ Note that none of the above options are officially endorsed or audited. Use at your own risk.