
You can use the runes_transfer method to request Runes transfers from your user's wallet. You can request multiple transfers in a single request, each transfer involving:

  • a rune

  • a transfer amount

  • a recipient address

The method accepts a recipients array as request parameter:

Request parameters


an array of transfer objects with <runeName, amount & recipient> properties:

import { request } from "sats-connect";

   const response = await request('runes_transfer', {
      recipients: [
          runeName: 'UNCOMMON•GOODS',
          amount: 200,
          address: ordinalsAddress1,
          runeName: 'SATOSHI•NAKAMOTO',
          amount: 100,
          address: ordinalsAddress2,

    if (response.status === "success") {
      // handle success
    } else {
      if (response.error.code === RpcErrorCode.USER_REJECTION) {
        // handle user cancellation error
      } else {
        // handle error
  } catch (err) {

The user will be prompted to review the Rune transfer transaction in the wallet, and to confirm:

  • the recipients and amounts of the Rune token to send

  • their desired Bitcoin transaction fee

The transaction will be signed and broadcasted upon user approval.

The runes_transfer method returns a Promise that resolves to the transferRunesResult object:



The Bitcoin transaction id as a hex-encoded string.

Last updated