
Use the runes_mint method to execute a Rune mint order, and prompt your user to sign the funding transaction required to process the order.

ℹī¸ Note that you can use the runes_estimateMint method to estimate the cost of a Rune mint order for your user, before executing it.

You can specify the characteristics of the Runes mint order you wish to execute, by passing a RunesMintParams object to the method, with the below properties:

RunesMintParams Description


a string representing the name of the Rune to mint


a number representing the number of mint transactions to create. Every mint transaction creates a fixed amount of new units of a rune. You can use repeats to mint a multiple of that amount. ℹī¸ Note that there is a 4000 repeat limit per order


The Bitcoin address to which the amount of the funding transaction should be returned, should the mint order fail. ℹī¸ If minting Runes for your user, you can fetch their wallet addresses with the getAccounts method. ⚠ī¸ We recommend managing refunds on Bitcoin payment addresses.


The Bitcoin address to which the minted runes should be allocated. ℹī¸ If minting Runes for your user, you can fetch their wallet addresses with the getAccounts method. ⚠ī¸ We recommend managing runes holdings on taproot/ordinal addresses.


a number representing the desired fee rate to set for the Rune mint transaction(s), in sats per vbytes

appServiceFee (ℹī¸ optional)

a number representing the sats value of the fee to charge your user for your service.

appServiceFeeAddress (ℹī¸ optional)

a string representing the Bitcoin address which will receive the appServiceFee, if a fee is specified

network (ℹī¸ optional)

a string representing the Bitcoin network to use for the transaction: 'Mainnet' or 'Testnet'

import { Wallet } from "sats-connect";

     const response = await Wallet.request('runes_mint', {
      destinationAddress: ordinalsAddress,
      feeRate: 12,
      repeats: 1,
      runeName: 'UNCOMMONGOODS',
      refundAddress: paymentAddress,

    if (response.status === 'success') {
    } else {
      alert('Error minting UNCOMMONGOODS. See console for details.');

The runes_mint method will trigger the following workflow:

  1. Create a mint Runes order for Sats Connect to process, identified by an orderId

  2. Prompt your user to sign a send Bitcoin transaction with their connected Bitcoin payment address, to fund the Runes mint order. The funds are sent to a Sats Connect funding address dedicated to processing the order.

  3. Return a RunesMintResponse object to your app:

RunesMintResponse property Description


a string representing the ID of the Runes mint order created by Sats Connect.


a string representing the ID of the funding transaction required from your user for Sats Connect to process the Runes mint order.


a string representing the BTC address which will collect the funds required to process the order, and sign the required mint transactions to process the order.

  1. Prompt Sats Connect's Runes minting service to craft and broadcast the runes minting transaction(s) required to process your order, at the desired feeRate specified in the request, and signing with the funding address. ℹī¸ Mint transaction(s) broadcast: The runes minting transactions will be chained to your user's funding transaction, and broadcast immediately after the funding transaction is detected, to optimize efficiency and speed. ℹī¸ Repeat mints: If you order repeat mint transactions, Sats Connect will chain runes mint transactions: the output of mint transaction N will become the input of mint transaction N+1. The final mint transaction of the chain will transfer the total amount of minted runes (# of mint transactions * fixed mint amount per transaction for the desired Rune) to the specified destinationAddress Note that the Bitcoin blockchain limits the number of unconfirmed chained transactions to 25. Sats Connect will chain up to 23 mint transactions to the funding transaction, depending on the number of unconfirmed inputs involved in the funding transaction. To circumvent this limitation when you order more than 23 repeats, Sats Connect will split the funding transaction's outputs, and chain up to 23 mint transactions to each output. The confirmation of your mint transactions may span more than 1 block as a result.

  2. Sats Connect will then monitor the confirmation of the funding transaction required from your user to the funding address dedicated to processing the order, and the confirmation of the chained minting transaction(s) -> You can then track the status of a Rune mint order using the runes_getOrder method.

Sats Connect charges a 2,000 sats fee for every mint transaction, with a cap of 36,000 sats (equivalent to 18 mint transactions) per mint order.

Last updated