
Get addresses for the currently active account

Apps can request the current account's addresses with getAddresses. The app must have first connected to the wallet and have account read permissions.

  • Apps can specify which wallet addresses they require: Bitcoin ordinals address, Bitcoin payment address or Stacks address, using the purposes request parameter

  • The message request param gives apps the option to display a message the user when requesting their addresses.

request parametersDescription


Array of strings used to specify the purpose of the address(es) to request:

  • 'ordinals' is preferably used to manage the user’s ordinals

  • 'payment' is preferably used to manage the user’s bitcoin

  • 'stacks' is used to interact with the stacks ecosystem

Example: ['ordinals', 'payment', 'stacks']


import { request } from "sats-connect";

try {
  const response = await request("getAddresses", null);
  console.log("getAccounts ~ response:", response);
  if (response.status === "success") {
    const paymentAddressItem = response.result.find(
      (address) => address.purpose === AddressPurpose.Payment,
    const ordinalsAddressItem = response.result.find(
      (address) => address.purpose === AddressPurpose.Ordinals,
    const stacksAddressItem = response.result.find(
      (address) => address.purpose === AddressPurpose.Stacks,
  } else {
    if (response.error.code === RpcErrorCode.USER_REJECTION) {
      // handle user cancellation error
    } else {
      // handle error
} catch (err) {

Once resolved, the method returns GetAccountResult: an array of the user’s wallet address objects, defined as:

type address = {
    address: string;
    publicKey: string;
    purpose: "payment" | "ordinals" | "stacks";
    addressType: "p2tr" | "p2wpkh" | "p2sh" | "stacks";

Apps can use these addresses to make further requests such as signing a message, signing a transaction, etc.

Currently, apps can retrieve two types of Bitcoin addresses, the user's Bitcoin payment address and the Ordinals address which is a taproot address.

An example response:

GetAccountResult: [
    address: "tb1pzwa68q3udj0f7g5xtdakgecvf45dvssu66ry7y3at22w7vus20vq3sgw62",
    publicKey: "b9907521ddb85e0e6a37622b7c685efbdc8ae53a334928adbd12cf204ad4e717",
    purpose: "ordinals",
    addressType: "p2tr",
    walletType: "software"
    address: "2NBfRKCUpafbatj5gV9T82uau3igdSf9BXJ",
    publicKey: "02818b7ff740a40f311d002123087053d5d9e0e1546674aedb10e15a5b57fd3985",
    purpose: "payment",
    addressType: "p2sh",
    walletType: "software"


address fieldDescription


string - the user’s connected wallet address


A hex string representing the bytes of the public key of the account. You can use this to construct partially signed Bitcoin transactions (PSBT).


string - The purpose of the address:

  • ordinals is preferably used to manage the user’s ordinals

  • payment is preferably used to manage the user’s bitcoin

  • stacks is used to interact with the stacks ecosystem


string - the address’s format:

  • P2TR for ordinals

  • P2SH for payment

  • P2WPKH for payment using Ledger

  • stacks for Stacks


string - the type of wallet used for the account

  • ledger if the user's account is using a Ledger device

  • software otherwise

Last updated