
The runes_estimateRbfOrder method currently only supports Etch orders. Support for Mint orders will be added soon.

You can use the runes_estimateRbfOrder method to estimate the cost of a speeding up a Rune mint or etch order for your user.

You can specify the order you wish to speed up, and the new fee rate to use for the mint/etch transactions, by passing an EsimateRbfOrderParams object to the method, with the below properties:



a string representing the Bitcoin network to use for the mint runes transactions: 'Mainnet' or 'Testnet'


a number representing the new increased fee rate to set for the Rune mint transaction(s) or etch transaction, in sats per vbytes

import { Wallet } from "sats-connect";

    const response = await Wallet.request('runes_runes_estimateRbfOrder', { 
      id: "ORDER_ID", 
      network?: "Mainnet",
      newFeeRate: 500 });

    if (response.status === 'success') {
    } else {
      alert('Error Fetching Estimate. See console for details.');

The runes_estimateRbfOrder method will not trigger any operation or prompt your user to sign any transaction. It will return an EstimateRbfOrderResponse object, intended for you and your user to anticipate the cost of speeding up the order:

EstimateRbfOrderResponse Description


a number representing the total cost of speeding up the order using RBF at the specified newFeeRate This corresponds to the additional BTC amount required for Sats Connect to replace the stuck mint/etch transactions with new transactions broadcast at the higher fee rate.


See the runes_rbfOrder method if you wish to speed up your Rune mint or etch order, and prompt your user to sign the funding transaction required to process the order at an increased fee rate.

Last updated