Xverse Wallet events

How apps can respond to user actions using wallet events

Sats Connect lets your app listen to key Xverse wallet events to provide a smooth user experience when your users change accounts or networks, or disconnect their account from your app.

Xverse wallet will emit dedicated events that your app can use to update the UI or request new permissions when required.

Listen to wallet events

To be notified of events, apps need to first connect to the wallet to receive account read permissions. Listeners registered using Wallet.addListener() will be notified of events for authorised accounts.

const removeListener = Wallet.addListener('accountChange', (event) => {
  console.log('The account has changed.', event);


// When no longer needed, the listener can be removed by calling the function
// returned by `addListener`.

The addListener method is typed to include all currently available events. They currently include:

  • accountChange

  • accountDisconnected

  • networkChange

accountChange event

the accountChange event is emitted when your connected user switches their Xverse wallet to another account.

The event will pass the below event payload object to a listener callback:



the event type -> "accountChange"

accountDisconnected event

the accountDisconnected event is emitted when when your user revokes the connection with your app from their Xverse wallet, or when your app renounces its wallet permissions.

The event will pass the below event payload object to a listener callback:



the event type -> "accountDisconnected"

networkChange event

the networkChange event is emitted when when your user switches between the Mainnet, Testnet & Signet networks in their Xverse wallet.

The event will pass the below event payload object to a listener callback:



the event type: "accountChange"


the network the user has just switched to, e.g. "Signet"

Last updated